Delete a Page in Microsoft Word 3 methods

How to Delete a Page in Microsoft Word

What can Cause an Unwanted Page to Show up?

1. Extra Paragraph Marks:

Word automatically adds a space after every jump from one line to the next on the page and also provides a line-break every time you use the Enter key.

2. Manual Page Breaks:

It can influence an additional page when you have entered breaks for a specific page in a document manually.

3. Tables:

Occasionally a table that goes to the bottom of a single page also produces an extra page with no content at all.

4. Section Breaks:

At times, the division of different sections in a document can result in the blank page if not well aligned.

 Delete a Page in Microsoft Word 3 methods

Well now we know why there could be additional pages, let have a look at a brief guide on how to remove them.

Method 1: Deleting a Blank Page at the End of a Document

1. Scroll to the End of the Document:

First, locate to the terminal of Word document, on the right bottom corner there should be an empty page ready for writing.

2. Show Paragraph Marks:

3. elect and Delete Paragraph Marks:

4. Check for Page Breaks:

5. Save Your Document:

Remember to always save your document after the exercise, press ctrl+s, after successfully deleting the page.

Method 2: Deleting a Blank Page in the Middle of a Document

1. Navigate to the Page:

Go to the page you wish to delete.

2. Use the Navigation Pane:

3. Select Content and Delete:

If a page has some text, images or similar contents, one should go to the ‘Edit’ and start selecting all contents on the page and then delete them.

4.Remove Section Breaks (if applicable):

Method 3: Deleting a Page with Content

1. Select the Entire Page’s Content:

2. Press Delete or Backspace:

3.Check for Extra Spaces or Paragraph Marks:

Removal of Pages in Sectioned Documents

1. Find the Section Break:

Make sure to use the paragraph marks in order to distinguish where the section break is.

2.Delete the Section Break:

3. Adjust Formatting if Necessary:

In case the formatting of your document is disturbed once again after deleting the section break then it should be done manually.

Final Tips


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